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来源:www.lbzpw.com.cn 时间:2020-03-14 作者:来宾招聘网 浏览量:


Salary is a very important and sensitive issue in the interview. Influenced by traditional Chinese ideas, in the past, people talked about this issue with some desire to say something, and were shy of saying it. As the exchange of talent and Labour has become more market-driven and universal, people have become more comfortable and straightforward in talking about pay. In essence, discussing salary is a bargain between the supply and demand of talents. But, after all, talking about pay is not the same as the naked horse-trading that goes on in the buying and selling of goods. Especially for job seekers, how to grasp the appropriate and skills, the success of the job has a very big impact. Since salary is directly related to the immediate interests of job seekers, they are naturally particularly concerned about it. However, during the interview process, timing the salary discussion is very important. Here are two things to watch out for:

1.Don't talk straight about salary. While neither side is shy about talking about salary, it's easy to come across as overly concerned about money by jumping right into the conversation.

2. It's best to let the interviewer talk about the question first. According to the general recruitment process, after the interviewer has a preliminary impression of the applicant's ability, personality, work attitude, etc., he will take the initiative to introduce the company's compensation and benefits or ask the applicant: what are your salary expectations? at this time, the applicant can be very natural to their requirements. In addition, job seekers in the salary requirements, to try to do targeted. Because, the pay is too low, may be suspected of insufficient capacity; If you pay too much, you may lose the chance to compete. According to the author's experience, the applicant may decide his psychological price by following a few references.

1, personal ability education, qualifications, experience, skills, etc. A lot of recruit an organization to be able to leave certain leeway commonly when deciding salary policy, in order to hold flexibly according to the different circumstance of job seeker. In fact, the high and low salaries are relative, for the employer, the key is to people value.

2. Market level. Although many employers do not have a price tag when recruiting, an important basis for them in formulating their compensation policies is the level of compensation in the industry and market. Job seekers can get to know the general market situation through some channels. At present, there will be regular or irregular reports and analysis on recruitment newspapers and magazines, talent and labor market, etc. Of course, friends and relatives are also good information collection channels.

3. The applicant's current income level. It's human nature to expect to be paid more when you move from your current job to a new one. As a result, job seekers may determine the corresponding psychological price point based on the current income level. One caveat is that if you care about the job, you need to be flexible in salary discussions. Because even if you're offering more than the candidate had in mind, if they're satisfied with your skills, they might ask, 'we can't meet your salary requirements right now.www.lbzpw.com.cn.


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